Badzu Kavtaradze, oil on canvas, 81 x 100 cm, 2024


Queen Tamar

Queen Tamar of Georgia, oil on canvas, 100 x 81 cm, 2022


Salome Prangishvili

 Salome, oil on canvas, 81 x 100 cm, 2024


Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli

Pianist Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli, oil on canvas, 81 x 100 cm, 2024


The Sacred Amethyst

The Sacred Amethyst, oil on panel, diameter 70 cm, 2020


St. Nino - Equal to the Apostles, oil on canvas, 81 x 100 cm, 2025


Church of the Blessed Virgin in Zeitoun, Egypt

Church of the Blessed Virgin in Zeitoun, Egypt, oil on canvas, 100 x 81 cm, 2023


 Lovebirds, oil on canvas, 100 x 81 cm, 2023


The Happy Anders, oil on canvas, 100 x 81 cm, 2020



The Tree and The Bird, oil on canvas, 81 x 100 cm, 2021





St. Tryphon icon

Icon representing St. Trifon, oil on panel, 18 x 16 cm, 2019

     In Russia, Saint Trifon is regarded as the patron saint of birds. Once, when Tsar Ivan IV (called The Terrible) was out hunting, one of his falconers, Trifon Patrikeiev, lost the Tsar’s favourite gyrfalcon. He ordered his falconer to find the bird within three days, or else he would be put to death. Trifon searched the whole area, but without luck.

     On the third day, exhausted by long searching, he returned to Moscow. Overcome with weariness, he lay down to rest, fervently praying to his patron saint with the same name, the Martyr Trifon, for help.

     In a dream he saw a youth on a white horse, holding the Tsar’s falcon on his hand. The youth said: “Take the falcon, bring it to your Tsar and do not grieve!” When he awakened, the falconer saw the falcon. He took it to the Tsar and told him about the miraculous help he had received from the holy Martyr Trifon.

     The Tsar gave his falconer a generous reward for recovering the bird, and Trifon used the reward to put up a chapel in Naprudnoe dedicated to St. Trifon on the place where he found the falcon.



Theotokos, oil on canvas, 81 x 100 cm, 2022


Orthodox Procession

Easter Procession, oil on canvas, 68 x 85 cm, 2019


Danaë painting

Danaë, oil on canvas, 81 x 100 cm, 2019



 Appearance, oil on panel, 14 x 43 cm, 2017


Entrance to Heaven

 Entrance, oil on canvas, 35 x 42 cm, 2015


The Radiant by Stefan Blöndal

The Radiant, oil on canvas, 100 x 81 cm, 2009


Icelandic Saga

Saga, oil on canvas, 195 x 130 cm, 2011


Blue Fog painting

 Blue Fog, oil on canvas, 31 x 42 cm, 2006


External and Internal painting

External and Internal, oil on canvas, 81 x 100 cm, 2005


The Black Veil

 The Black Veil, oil on canvas, 81 x 100 cm, 2010


Oh Stay... by Stefan Blöndal

 "Oh stay, thou art so fair!", oil on canvas, 20 x 20 cm, 2006


The Dream by Stefan Blöndal

Dream, oil on canvas, 60 x 60 cm


Cape of Joy by Stefan Blöndal

 Cape of Joy, oil on canvas, 81 x 100 cm, 2005


Decision by Stefan Blöndal

 Decision, oil on canvas, 65 x 81 cm, 2005


By the Sea oilpainting by Stefan Blöndal

 By the Sea, oil on canvas, 54 x 65 cm, 2015


View from Above by Stefan Blöndal

 View From Above, oil on canvas, 65 x 81 cm, 2005


The Little Island by Stefan Blöndal

The Little Island, oil on canvas, 38 x 46 cm, 2015


The Last Journey by Stefan Blöndal

The Last Journey, oil on canvas, 30 x 40 cm, 2015


Origin by Stefan Blöndal

 Origin, oil on canvas, 30 x 40 cm, 2007


Spain by Stefan Blöndal

 Spain, oil on canvas, 65 x 81 cm, 2005


Summertree by Stefan Blöndal

 Summertree, oil on panel, 30 x 30 cm, 2010



Flaming Bouquet, oil on canvas, 54 x 65, 2010



 Isle of Joy, oil on canvas, 81 x 100 cm, 2008


       Iceland, oil on canvas, 50 x 70 cm, 2003


 Muse, oil on canvas, 100 x 81 cm, 1992


 The Sacred Topaz, oil on canvas board, 34 x 24 cm


 Passion, oil on panel, 75 x 55 cm


Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli, oil on canvas, 60 x 80 cm


Ludwig van Beethoven

Ludwig van Beethoven, oil on canvas, 100 x 81 cm, 2018


 Homage to Andrei Tarkovsky, oil on panel, 82 x 120 cm


 Portrait of the artist´s Father, Erling Blöndal Bengtsson

oil on canvas, 115 x 84 cm, 2002


 Lioness of the Piano, oil on canvas, diameter 100 cm


Vortex, oil on panel, diameter 100 cm


 Bouquet with Pearls, oil on canvas, 81 x 100 cm, 2001



Black Angel painting

 Black Angel, oil on canvas, 100 x 81 cm


Foam painting

 The Black Sea, oil on canvas, 100 x 81 cm


Rose painting

 Rose, oil on panel, 20 x 20 cm, 2005


Golden Eagle head

 Eaglehead, oil on canvas, 30 x 40 cm, 2014


Eagle painting

In Eagle Skin Cloak, oil on panel, diameter 100 cm, 2003


Sirenes painting

 Isle of the Sirens, oil on canvas, 65 x 80 cm, 1992


Nature Morte oilpainting

 Nature Morte, oil on canvas board, 27 x 35 cm


Woman at window painting

 The Gate, oil on canvas, 150 x 90 cm



 Enigma, oil on canvas, 24 x 34 cm, 1991



 The White Raven, oil on canvas, 60 x 73 cm, 2004



 Torso, oil on panel, 42 x 30, 2002


Autumn Leaves painting

 Autumn Kaleidoscope, oil on canvas, 55 x 75 cm, 2001


Sunflowers painting

On the Train, oil on canvas, 89 x 116 cm, 2003


Wren painting on panel

 Wrens Song, oil on panel, 20 x 20 cm, 2005



Garden painting

 In a Spanish Garden, oil on canvas, 20 x 30, 2002


Guitar painting

 Guitar, oil on guitarback, 49 x 37 cm, 1999



Kachina Dancer, oil on canvas, 195 x 130 cm, 2014


Three Graces painting

              Three Graces, oil on canvas, 130 x 195 cm, 1995


Selfportrait oil on panel

Selfportrait, oil on panel, 35 x 35 cm


Fuga painting

 Symphony of Nature, oil on canvas, 25 x 35 cm


Window reflection painting

The Open Window, oil on panel, diameter 100 cm


Falconry drawing

 Drawing of Falcons, pencil, 100 x 100 cm, 1983


Falcon with hood pencildrawing

Detail from Drawing of Falcons, pencil


Birch Forest Cathedral painting

 Forest Cathedral, oil on panel, 23 x 32 cm


Skirt painting

 Legs, oil on panel, 102 x 35 cm



 Nina, oil on panel, 85 x 53 cm, 1991


Pilgrimage painting

Pilgrims, oil on canvas, 97 x 130 cm


Lady with fan painting

 The Black Fan, oil on canvas, 70 x 50 cm, 2001


Monkey portrait painting

 "Bertie", oil on canvas, 80 x 60 cm, 2016


Nutcracker painting

Vase and Nutcracker

oil on canvas, 73 x 60 cm


Cornucopia painting

 Cornucopia, oil on canvas, 81 x 100 cm


Snakecharmer painting

The Snakecharmer, oil on canvas, 160 x 125 cm, 1990


Necklace painting

Necklace, oil on panel, 15 x 20 cm


Ma Femme painting

 Ma Femme, oil on panel, 95 x 65 cm, 1996


Precious stones painting

 Dance of the Gems, oil on canvas, 77 x 56 cm


Artist selfportrait painting

Selfportrait, oil on canvas, 100 x 81, 2000


Expectation painting

Expectation, oil on canvas, 30 x 40 cm, 2003-08


Sacrifice painting

Offering, oil on canvas, 30 x 40 cm, 2003


Orthodox Priest oilpainting

 Metropolitan, oil on canvas, 42 x 30 cm


Orthodox Priest painting

 Metropolitan, oil on panel, 70 x 50 cm


Father Seraphim painting

 Father Seraphim, oil on canvas, 40 x 30 cm, 2003


Creator pencildrawing

The Creator, pencil, 25 x 25 cm, 1994


Metamorphosis of the Night painting

 Metamorphosis of the Night, oil on canvas, 42 x 30 cm, 1991


Gerfalcon Iceland oilpainting

 Icelandic Gyrfalcon, oil on canvas, 81 x 100 cm, 2014


The Snow Queen

 The Snow Queen, oil on canvas, 70 x 50 cm


Hero´s Grave painting

Grave of the Hero, Oil on canvas, 81 x 100 cm, 2019


Selfportrait oilpainting

Selfportrait, oil on canvas, 81 x 58 cm, 2017

